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Acro 4

ACRO 4 er et resultat av en evolusjon fra de første acro selene til i dag.

kr 13500

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Delbetaling fra kr 543/måned

ACRO 4 er et resultat av en evolusjon fra de første acro selene til i dag. Det er kjent verden over att alle de beste acro pilotene bruker Supair. Acro 4 er utviklet, testet og godkjent av team pilotene : Tim Alongi, Théo De Blic, Raul Rodriguez og hele Supair Acro Team!

Geometrien kommer fra ACRO3, som har lenge vert referansen i ACRO-verdenen. Meget presis styring, mono blokk komfort for å være som ett med vingen i alle manøvrer. I timer på timer med flyging og lek har Theo, Tim, Raul med resten av supair design team. Overhalt hele den indre strukturen. Sett på alt for å øke sikkerheten. Justert litt og litt til det perfekte. Acro 4 kommer med mere utstyr en ACRO 3 gjorde.

Pilotene sier :

“This harness was highly anticipated, it has been a real challenge overcoming the Acro3, but they did it! I’m really happy to Fly the Acro4 today! Really comfortable with a very good transmission which allows an ultra precise piloting I enjoy. I also appreciate the large back storage pocket who fit with all the gear I need for a long acro training session. The reserve containers are compact and better finished. Welcome to the Acro4 !”
- Horacio Llorens

“I love flying with the ACRO-4 because its backrest support is superior to that of the ACRO-3, giving me better piloting precision and freedom of movement in the most committed figures. The changes made make it more enjoyable on a daily basis to carry, takeoff and fly with. It additionally kept all the ACRO-3’s assets I really liked.”
- Theo de Blic

“I feel good flying the Acro4, we kept the Acro3’s frame who was really comfortable. Very precise and easy to play with, it’s also great to handle on the ground, Acro3’s defects have disappeared to get close to perfection! In addition, the Acro4 offers huge seat depth adjustment to low the gravity center to precisely adjust his position and go further on the mastery of maneuvers.”
- Tim Alongi

Pilot size (cm) 150-170 165 /185 180 /195
Pilot weight (mini – maxi) (kg) 60-80 65 – 85 75 – 105
Complete harness weight (g) 5700 5900 6100
A Backrest height(cm) 70 73 78
B Backrest tilt adjustments (cm) 38 40 40
C Seat depth  (cm) 42 42 45
D Seat width (cm) 33 35 38
E Hooking point height (cm) 43 45 48
F Length between the hooking points  (cm) 41 – 52 41 – 52 41 – 5


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